This is a live chronicle of me playing around trying to figure out a way to resize an image, add a border, padding, and dropshadow using PHP. I figured if you could just pass in a url to a web address it could return a modified image without doing some tricky css stuff. Turns out it wasn't all that tricky. Got it done in under a workday. Anyways, the code is at the bottom in case you want to skip the silly images.
This is my first generated image:
This is an existing image run through php:
Here's the exif information:
Array ( [FileName] => cat-vs-domokun.jpg [FileDateTime] => 1433739320 [FileSize] => 28157 [FileType] => 2 [MimeType] => image/jpeg [SectionsFound] => [COMPUTED] => Array ( [html] => width="500" height="375" [Height] => 375 [Width] => 500 [IsColor] => 1 ) )
This is the existing image resized:
How about a border?
Hell yes.
Now we can mash it all together.
Now the best part. You just pass the parameters in the url.
Or you can make it brutally ugly!
Great, huh! Here's the code. Thanks to, O'reilly's PHP cookbook, and other various internets.
// Grab the user defined variables
$src = isset($_REQUEST['src'])
? urldecode($_REQUEST['src'])
: null;
$padding = isset($_REQUEST['padding']) && ctype_digit($_REQUEST['padding'])
? $_REQUEST['padding']
: 5;
$matcolor = isset($_REQUEST['matcolor'])
? html2rgb("#" . $_REQUEST['matcolor'])
: html2rgb("#eeeeee");
$backgroundcolor = isset($_REQUEST['backgroundcolor'])
? html2rgb("#" . $_REQUEST['backgroundcolor'])
: html2rgb("#ffffff");
$bordercolor = isset($_REQUEST['bordercolor'])
? html2rgb("#" . $_REQUEST['bordercolor'])
: html2rgb("#cccccc");
$resize = isset($_REQUEST['resize'])
? floatval($_REQUEST['resize'])
: 1.0;
$format = isset($_REQUEST['format'])
? htmlentities($_REQUEST['format'])
: "png";
// Create a new image based on user input.
if(isset($src) && file_exists($src)) {
$image = imagecreatefromjpeg($src);
$image = resizeImage($image, $resize);
$image = addBorder($image, $padding, $matcolor, $bordercolor);
$image = addShadow($image, $backgroundcolor);
// Draw this masterpiece.
if($format == "jpeg"){
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
imagejpeg($image, "", 100);
elseif ($format == "png") {
header("Content-type: image/png");
imagepng($image, "", 0);
// Clean up the image resources.
* Convert a hex string to an array of (red, green, blue).
* @author
* php_convert_rgb_from_to_html_hex_color.xml
* @param $color The color string in the format #ffffff.
* @return An array with the RGB values as integers.
function html2rgb($color) {
if ($color[0] == '#')
$color = substr($color, 1);
if (strlen($color) == 6)
list($r, $g, $b) = array($color[0].$color[1],
elseif (strlen($color) == 3)
list($r, $g, $b) = array($color[0].$color[0],
return false;
$r = hexdec($r);
$g = hexdec($g);
$b = hexdec($b);
return array("r" => $r, "g" => $g, "b" => $b);
* Add a border to a php image resource. The original image is surrounded by mat
* with a color $border_background. Around that is a one pixel border.
* @author Leslie Steward
* @param $original_image A php image resource.
* @param $border_padding The width in pixels from the image to the border.
* @param $border_background An array with the background color in RGB.
* @param $border_color An array with the border color in RGB.
* @return An image with a border and mat (padding).
function addBorder($original_image, $border_padding = 5,
$border_background = array("r" => 255, "g" => 255, "b" => 255),
$border_color = array("r" => 0, "g" => 0, "b" => 0)){
// unfortunatly, you can't change this without more codework
$border_size = 1;
// create new canvas for bordered picture
$original_width = imagesx($original_image);
$original_height = imagesy($original_image);
$width = $original_width + $border_padding * 2 + $border_size * 2;
$height = $original_height + $border_padding * 2 + $border_size * 2;
$border_image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
// fill with background
$background_color = imagecolorallocate($border_image, $border_background['r'],
$border_background['g'], $border_background['b']);
imagefill($border_image, 0, 0, $background_color);
// draw a border
$border_color_allocated = imageColorAllocate($border_image,
$border_color['r'],$border_color['g'], $border_color['b']);
ImageRectangle($border_image, 0, 0, $width - $border_size,
$height - $border_size, $border_color_allocated);
// overlay the original image on top of the drop shadow
ImageCopyMerge($border_image, $original_image, $border_padding + $border_size,
$border_padding + $border_size, 0,0,
$original_width, $original_height, 100);
return $border_image;
* Add a dropshadow to a php image resource.
* @author
* Adding-Drop-Shadows-with-PHP/6/
* @param $original_image A php image resource.
* @param $background_color An array with the background color in RGB.
* @return An php image resource with a drop shadow.
function addShadow($original_image,
$background_color = array("r" => 255, "g" => 255, "b" => 255)){
// offset of drop shadow from top left
define("DS_OFFSET", 5);
// number of steps from black to background color
define("DS_STEPS", 10);
// distance between steps
define("DS_SPREAD", 1);
// create new canvas for shadowed picture
$original_width = imagesx($original_image);
$original_height = imagesy($original_image);
$width = $original_width + DS_OFFSET;
$height = $original_height + DS_OFFSET;
$shadow_image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
// determine the offset between colors
$step_offset = array(
"r" => ($background_color["r"] / DS_STEPS),
"g" => ($background_color["g"] / DS_STEPS),
"b" => ($background_color["b"] / DS_STEPS));
// calculate and allocate the needed colors
$current_color = $background_color;
for ($i = 0; $i <= DS_STEPS; $i++) {
$colors[$i] = imagecolorallocate($shadow_image,
$current_color["r"] -= $step_offset["r"];
$current_color["g"] -= $step_offset["g"];
$current_color["b"] -= $step_offset["b"];
// floodfill the canvas with the background color
imagefilledrectangle($shadow_image, 0,0, $width, $height, $colors[0]);
// draw overlapping rectangles to create a drop shadow effect
for ($i = 0; $i < count($colors); $i++) {
imagefilledrectangle($shadow_image, DS_OFFSET, DS_OFFSET,
$width, $height, $colors[$i]);
$width -= DS_SPREAD;
$height -= DS_SPREAD;
// overlay the original image on top of the drop shadow
imagecopymerge($shadow_image, $original_image, 0,0, 0,0,
$original_width, $original_height, 100);
return $shadow_image;
* Resize a php image resource to a specific percentage of the original.
* @author Leslie Steward
* @param $original_image A php image resource to resize.
* @param $percent The percentage of the original size. Ex: 0.75
* @return A resized php image resource.
function resizeImage($original_image, $percent = 1){
if($percent == 1)
return $original_image;
$original_width = imagesx($original_image);
$original_height = imagesy($original_image);
$new_width = $original_width * $percent;
$new_height = $original_height * $percent;
$image = imageCreateTrueColor($new_width, $new_height);
imageCopyResampled($image, $original_image, 0, 0, 0, 0,
$new_width, $new_height, $original_width, $original_height);
return $image;
Yeah, there are probably a few mistakes, but I've got other things to do. Just send me a message and I'll fix them.